Preparing Your Home for the Holidays

Preparing Your Home for the Holidays

The holidays give us all a chance to reconnect with family and loved ones, but with that opportunity comes responsibility for the host. While holidays are a joyful time, they can be overwhelmed by the stress of things to be done. One major undertaking that any host begins around the holiday season is preparing their home for guests. You want everyone to be comfortable in a fresh, clean home. This can take up tons of precious time, leaving less for baking, shopping, and anything else you have left to do.

We’ve got some things to remember and tips on preparing your home for the holidays.

Focus on the most used areas of your home

When you know you have a large number of guests coming in the future, it can be tempting to try and clean your entire house so that everything looks perfect. This is not only unnecessary, but it’s unrealistic, too. You should focus your time and energy on areas of your home that will get the most use and be in plain view. Things like living and dining rooms, your kitchen, main stairways. Don’t waste time on storage closets or basements if you don’t plan on opening them up to guests. Trust us, there will still be enough work with what you choose to clean.

Prepare for overnight guests

Make sure if there’s a chance you’ll have guests staying the night, that you’re ready to keep them comfortable. This means cleaning up the guest room, changing sheets, making sure that the guest bathroom is stocked up. You don’t want to have to spend time doing this while your guests are there.

Be prepared for any babies

You’ll know if there’s a baby coming with your guests, so prepare accordingly. Make sure to address any hazards that you can, such as electrical sockets, fragile items like glass, and anything else that could be dangerous to a baby. Bonus points if you have some sort of crib or playpen to set up.

Get your holiday effects ready early

You’ll have enough shopping to do near the holiday, so stock up now. Get candles with seasonal scents, an appropriate amount of decorations, and any food that will stay fresh until you need it. Having your holiday things ready will mean one less thing on the to-do list.

Have firewood on hand

Nothing goes better with a cool or cold holiday than a cozy fire. Not only is it warm and comfortable, but it also serves as a gathering place for you and your guests to enjoy. Be sure to pick up some firewood if you don’t have any available in your yard so that you’re not scrambling for whatever is left around the holidays

Pink Shoe Cleaning Crew | Professional residential cleaning services

At Pink Shoe Cleaning Crew, we want to help make your holiday experience as smooth and stress-free as possible. If you don’t want the burden of cleaning your whole home before you entertain guests, let us handle it for you! Your guests will be amazed by the fresh looking and smelling space you have prepared for them. Spend your time baking cookies and enjoying the company of loved ones, not cleaning up.

Learn more about our house cleaning service, and also get an estimate while you’re at it! Happy holidays from Pink Shoe Cleaning Crew!

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