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4 Healthy Reasons to Hire a Maid Service

Time is precious and more importantly, available in very limited quantities. Busy families have a variety of things competing for our valuable time on a daily basis. Work, groceries, kid’s homework, after-school activities, family events, yard work, fixing dinner and doing laundry—these are a few of the major projects that we all deal with. Every one of them fills our time—it’s just a fact of life! But thankfully, spring cleaning doesn’t have to be one of those time-filling tasks—because you have Pink Shoe Cleaning Crew, and you can give the gift of time.

It is time for Spring Cleaning.

Even when your house cleaning service visits on a regular basis, the arrival of spring gets us all ready to clean and freshen.  There’s nothing like a spring breeze through the open windows!   If this weather inspires you to do spring cleaning, use your seasonal burst of energy to hit some of these key areas.  Choose the tasks that will give YOU the most satisfaction.

  1. Bedding.  Strip all your comforters and blankets and get those into the washing machine (per care tags).  Freshen bed pillows in the dryer by tumbling with wool dryer balls dotted with lavender essential oil or use dryer sheets.  As you work your way down your spring cleaning list, transfer clean bedding from washer to dryer, then re-make beds with fresh sheets.  
  2. Mix up a multi-purpose cleaner.  For odor neutralization and gentle all-purpose cleaning, mix ½ cup baking soda with two gallons of warm water in a large bucket.  Blend until no longer gritty, and use with a sponge or mop to clean almost any surface in your home.   
  3. Clear clutter.  Take a sweep through your main floor rooms and get instant gratification by clearing junk, paper and other collected stuff from surfaces.  And don’t transfer the piles—purge as you go.  Is the clutter actually something timely or important, or can it be recycled or donated?  Don’t be afraid to simply throw it away.  
  4. Windows.  Let the sunshine!  Forget about that blue spray and paper towel.  Invest in a high-quality microfiber window cloth and clean chemical-free.  If this job isn’t for you, leave it to the professionals.  Home cleaning services have the right tools and can likely complete this more efficiently than you can. 
  5. Refrigerator.  How long has it been since you really looked in your fridge?  Empty the appliance completely.  Then wash down shelving, drawers, and surfaces (inside and out) with warm, soapy water before returning the fresh and edible food and condiments.  

If you do not have a regular cleaning service, call us for all your Spring Cleaning and routine house cleaning needs at 402-330-0930 . We’ve been named one of the best cleaning services of Omaha by Omaha Magazine for the last four years

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